Online Tools

These are the The tools we have used for years and although nothing is perfect these tools have always been very dependable and cost effective.

Important Note, please read first.

I have always felt a little queasy when I get to a site of someone I trust or have just met and I see them offering me a product of some kind, then discovering that it’s an affiliate link. Now let me be clear I have no issues with someone making money off promoting a product they use and believe in. I do it myself, the problem I have is when people don’t dislcose they are doing it. The reason is if they appear to be hiding that fact from me is it because they don’t really believe in the product and are just trying to make a quick buck or do they not trust me enough to click their link knowing it’s an affiliate one and I could just go direct to the source and cut them out. Either option is not appealing nor does it inspire any trust in them moving forward.

Which of course leads me to this. The products below I recommend are in fact affiliate links. I do make a small amount on any purchase, BUT that does not cost you anything beyond what you would pay if you went to directly to their site. If you buy from my link or direct from the company it will cost you the same. Plus in some cases like the NameCheap link I send you to a page that provides you a huge discount on your domain purchase that is not otherwise always available to the public. Furthermore, I still buy ALL my domains from NameCheap. I build ALL my sites (yes including this one) using Elementor. I still to this day have all personal, corporate and client hosted sites on Bluehost. In my opinion their services are great and their support is second to none. Thanks for reading my rambling and if you look below you will see my overview of why each one is the best way to go.  

Site Name - Name Cheap

The start of any online offering begins with the right name. You must purchase a domain name, I have found that Namecheap is always the best or near best price wise for any domain name. The back office interface is very easy to use. They do try to nickel and dime you like all online companies do these days, but there is ZERO negatives if you just opt out and take the basic offering.  

Another very nice thing they offer is the ability to share access to your domain, so when you as the customer want someone like me to go in and adjust DNS settings or any setting for that matter, you can provide me access for settings without having to share your login credidentials. 

Site Hosting - Blue Host

This is one of the items that so many people get wrong in my opinion. They automatically purchase hosting where they bought their domain, which is usually not the best way to go. Or they don’t understand the most important aspects of hosting and how they are affected by them. It’s important to note that BlueHost has an excellent uptime history. I was a long time like a decade long user of BlueHost and it took me a while but BlueHost won me over with their support and tools.

 They offer great prices and a plan to suit anyone’s needs, no matter what your online goals are. Basic, or VPN or dedicated boxes they offer it all. Check them out you won’t regret it.

Site Builder - Elementor

The vast majority of websites currently online are WP (Word Press) based sites. They have been built with WP creating all their pages, images, etc. WP has always been free, it’s a business model that works great for them. While the WP site building tools have really improved over time, they can’t touch something as complex or advanced as Elementor is. 

The features and options offered by even the free version of Elementor makes everything plug and play and even complete newbies can figure it out. The paid version that costs under 60 bucks a year takes it all to the next level. Many clients after paying me to build their site are able to maintain them by themselves using Elementor

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